What Do Lenders Look For On My Bank Statements? | MoneymanTV

Why does the lender need my bank statements and how do I obtain them? 

From a lender’s point of view, a bank statement provides an insight into your spending habits and determines if you’re trustworthy with paying on time.

The presentation of your bank statements is essential because this evidence can be the difference in how much your lender will let you borrow or will lend you anything at all. 

Knowing how much a lender will let you borrow is all down to risk, however, a lender needs to know that you can handle your finances and be responsible. Remember, a mortgage is likely to be the biggest financial commitment you will ever make and is not something to be taken likely.

There are different ways you can obtain your bank statement, such as receiving your bank statement through the post from your bank or going into your local branch and getting it over the counter. It’s common to see these days that people will retrieve a printable version from their bank’s online platform.

What will lenders be looking for on my bank statement? 

Presenting your bank statement in a positive light is important, so the main question is, what are lenders looking for on your bank statement?

Again, the lenders want to know if you’re responsible when it comes to your finances. Therefore, overdrafts will be something they will look into.

An overdraft is there for you to use and on occasions using it is not necessarily a bad thing, however, if exceeding your limit becomes a daily occurrence, this is going to affect the lender’s trust in you.

Another factor to be careful with is potential returned Direct Debits because this could show you are not consistently reliable. Furthermore, failure to disclose loans at the application stage will not make you look good to the lender because, as mentioned, this is a process of trust.

Another element that you need to be aware of is missed payments for personal loans and things such as credit cards. It’s more likely that a lender will aim to lend an amount closer to what you would like to borrow if you can meet your monthly payment deadlines. 

Will gambling affect my chances of getting a mortgage? 

This is a commonly asked question we hear from customers when they are looking at their bank statements. A history of gambling can be an issue many get themselves into.

While the odd bet is harmless, frequent betting with large amounts of money can be an issue. Whether you’re making it back or not, a lender will see this as a disadvantage

To learn more, please see our article on “Do Gambling Transactions Look Bad on My Bank Statements? 

What can I do to show the lender I am reliable? 

When working with many first time buyers in Cardiff & home movers in Cardiff, we have found that the majority of mortgage lenders will require the applicants to obtain at least three months’ bank statements from an applicant. This can differ for the self-employed

With this in mind, you theoretically have three months to work on your finances. Start to think more about the future and begin working on your finances at this time.

We recommend that you take a break for awhile if you are a regular customer of the local bookmakers or online gambling scene. This can be a benefit to your financial state as well as your mental health.

Another step we would suggest is to try to save money. Reducing the number of times you eat out, cancelling unneeded subscriptions, and reducing your purchases on unnecessary items can all help. By doing this, you can free up additional cash to pay your bills on time. 

This is all down to you being sensible and planning ahead of time to what you’re looking to do. Reducing the risk of bouts of debts and financial uncertainty will put you in a good situation with a lender.

Speak to a Dedicated Mortgage Advisor in Cardiff

If you’re a first time buyer, moving home, or self-employed, it’s always important to keep your finances on track. Getting in touch for specialist mortgage advice in Cardiff can help you if you’re feeling unsure when it comes to bad credit history. We are here to further your mortgage journey by advising the best we can.

Date Last Edited: October 9, 2024